Archivist: Cynthia Gonsalves (
Last Revision Date: 10 December 2001 (version 1.5)
Last Revision by: Daniel Bernstein (Deputy Mad Archivist)
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Hi there and welcome to alt.books.david-weber!
Table of Contents
1) Introduction (history, partial
cast of characters, general guidelines)
2) Books, series, and other published
3) When, oh when, is the next book
coming out?
4) Is David doing book
5) In what order should I read his
books (by series)?
6) Basic Netiquette or How
to Save the Weapons for the Fictional Enemy
7) The Thread that Cannot/Will Not
Die: Casting the Honor Harrington Movie
8) Spoiler Protection
9) Other Authors
10) Other DW Resources on the Net/Web
11) Miscellaneous Stuff
12) The Filks
13) The Great ABD-W Typo Hunt
14) Frogs and Buzzards and Tortoises,
oh my!
15) ABDW Acronyms
16) Thanks/Acknowledgements for
FAQ help
1) Introduction (history, partial cast of characters, general guidelines)
Through the benevolence of the Usenet Deities, abd-w was formed in June of 1997 (June 12th to be exact, and the person who initiated the ng creation was David Ball) so that Weber fans wouldn't have to wade through the masses of postings in rec.arts.sf.written looking for tidbits. Of course, that hasn't stopped many of us from lurking and posting in rasfw, but now we have a place in cyberspace to call our own. It seems that abd-w is actually fairly high traffic for a group in the alt.books hierarchy, we are a chatty bunch, even when there's no new stuff out. Right now, it happens to be one of the busiest groups on my watch list!
Also, abd-w has been blessed with the presence of the Master of Honor's Universe himself (aka Big Wizard Dave, Himself, MWW, HWKABSM (see ABDW acronyms), etc.) when he's not working on his next anxiously awaited release. Other members of Dave's family or friends have been known to post as well, and are sometimes privy to and allowed to give out tantalizing little news releases (news releases that aren't allowed are a form of snerking (see section 14 for a link to the ROMANCE web page, which explains the concept)).
Richard had recently won an official red shirt when his namesake character was killed off in Echoes of Honor; David told us that Richard was laughing his butt off in the spring when he saw the manuscript. He also cheerfully bore the brunt of all the lawyer jokes thrown at him for being our resident legal eagle and gave us the background on how he earned the nickname of the Man Who Dropped the Spanner in real life.
Richard also had done some postings on Baen's Bar, but abd-w was his major hangout. Navbuoy's posts were universally considered worth reading for their wit and skill. His contributions to our portion of fandom are sorely missed by all of us in the newsgroup as well as by the denizens of Aegys' discussion board.
To absent friends, Richard! And his Ranger comrades remind us that Rangers always lead the way....
David's message follows:
As Mike pointed out in his post, it leads to a situation in which an author can be accused of "ripping off" someone else's idea, which can both impugn his/her honesty and even lead to ugly courtroom scenes as some non-pro attempts to sue because his or her original idea was "stolen" by a pro. (This has actually happened.) It would also be possible for a pro actually TO rip off an idea, perhaps without even realizing that he or she has done so. (I have never seen any actual documentation of such an event, but I HAVE seen a couple of stories, by authors who shall remain nameless, in which I personally suspect that that is precisely what happened.)
Even more importantly, the publication (even in electronic form) of fiction based on a writer's work, without the specific, documented permission of said writer (on a case-by-case basis) can void the writer's copyright. This has actually happened, and does not represent mere paranoid fantasy on my part. Nor am I the only writer concerned about it. Misty Lackey, for example, has a legal contract form drawn up which anyone publishing fanfic in her universe(s) is required to sign and return to her before they may use any of her material. (I have a copy of it thumbtacked to my wall for use as a model if I ever decide to go that way.) Anyone who publishes WITHOUT said signed contract is in violation of her copyright and she will, if it comes to her attention, take legal action against them. (Mind, I suspect many authors in such a position might take some pains to avoid having the unapproved fanfic come to his/her attention if he/she believes the fans' intentions were pure, but there is a limit to how many times someone can look the other way and still convince a judge, at need, that his/her ignorance was genuine.)
I deeply regret that this should be the case, as fanfic is often at least as imaginative and enjoyable as anything the writer who created the character/universe/whatever is likely to turn out. It is also rather flattering to an author to know that other people want to come over and play at his house, as it were. Unfortunately, the situation has become such that a writer cannot allow the free use of his universe without risking the loss of his own rights to it, and so I must regretfully ask that no fanfic appear on this group. Should that happen, I would have only two choices: (a) to take legal action (which I would hate to do and would endeavor to make as painless as possible for all concerned), or (b) leave the group and not return, as the only way I could avoid taking legal action NOW and still be in a position to defend my copyright down the road at need would be to avoid learning that the fiction was being published, electronically or otherwise. Since I would like to lurk and keep an eye on what's happening whenever projects (and things like weddings and house buying expeditions) allow me the time, I would very much appreciate it if it didn't happen here.
Again, my sincere regrets at having to take this position. I checked with my attorney when the matter first came up for me a couple of years ago, however, and he confirms what Baen, Misty, Roger Zelazny, Fred Saberhagen, and several other pros had all told me on previous occasions. With that much experienced opinion on one side of the question, I see no choice but to believe they know what they're talking about.
Take Care,
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